Monday, September 22, 2008


Grace is still sick. Fever really scared me last night. I called my sister in law and she calmed me down. Then I went to check on her an hour later and even though I had given her some meds, it was still rising. So, to the ER we went at midnight and got home around 6 am. They poked and prodded her all morning and she refused to sleep. Anyhow, we're doing okay now. Just exhausted and Grace is doped up on Tylenol and Motrin as per the doctors orders. Poor thing. If it continues for too much longer they told me to bring her in to see her PCM.

Good news, Matt is safe and healthy. He should be home sometime on Sunday. Though, the Army always has the right to surprise us. I'm hoping he gets to come home at a normal hour and doesn't have to be picked up at 2 am. That's when I had to drop him off to leave. Can you believe it? Crazyness.

1 comment:

  1. Mandy!! We have the same taste in music! I'm sorry Grace was sick. We had our share of illness while Jeff was deployed, so I know how ya feel. Let me know if you need anything.
    Ashley Curtis
