Thursday, January 22, 2009

Webcam ROCKS!!!

I just had to share my excitement over getting to SEE Matthew today for the first time in nearly 2 months. I always knew I loved the Internet, but now I can't imagine my life without it! Matt was able to see Grace and how much bigger she is getting. She kept trying to give him kisses and danced for him a whole lot. The best part was her enthusiasm when she saw him come up on the screen. She yelled "Daddy!" as clear as day and he was so happy to see that she remembers him. I love my husband! Grace and I are so blessed to have him to call our own.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


While Matt and I were in Utah in November we took Grace to Build-a-Bear and we picked out a monkey for her. Matt was able to record a little message for her so she could hear his voice and he could tell her he loves her every day while he is away. This is a short video of Grace with Dexter, as named by Matt!