Sunday, May 18, 2008


Grace and I have been in Texas for the past week. We looked at nearly 30 houses and were getting a bit tired and discouraged. Then we found two viable options and starting the bidding on Saturday. We were so excited to start the paperwork when we met with our realtor...but sadly the house we had decided on was under contract since that morning. Turns out they were negotiating the whole time we had been looking at it. Talk about ridiculous! Luckily we had a backup house in mind and we put an offer on it instead. Now we are playing the waiting game, which I have to admit is absolute torture! I leave on Tuesday morning, and I desperately want to have this all figured out before I go home to Kentucky. The house is cute, but could definitely use some Matt Merrill inspired curb appeal. It has 3 bedrooms and a simple backyard. The best part of the house is actually the neighborhood that it's in. It's called Morse Valley and houses typically sell for quite a bit more there (they are typically much bigger and lavish than the one we have bid on). The house is also located within a mile of the LDS church, which is the only one for miles around.

I wish I could read minds and know what the seller is thinking....


  1. Yeah! Buying a house is so excitine (and stressful). I hope everything works out!

  2. yea mandy!!!! I hope you get it and it is not too big of a pain for you! Is is close to the airport so I can come visit? Miss you!

  3. Mandy, Arik and I are in the exact sam position. we have made an offer and are know playing the waiting game. good luck and we wish you the best.
