Sunday, April 27, 2008

Homeward Bound!

Grace and I will be in Utah as of April 30th. We will be gone for 3 weeks, including the week we will be in Texas house hunting. We will greatly miss Matt, but he will be incredibly busy. In fact, he is currently out in "the field" (which means he gets hands on training, hardly sleeps, gets real dirty and doesn't get to come home for days at a time).

Matt is almost halfway done with his training here and it is getting more intense every day. It will be good for him to have a quiet place to study while we're gone. Hopefully he'll sleep better without Grace waking him up. (Although we do have nocturnal neighbors!)

Grace is still pulling herself along and occassionally crawling. She is just brimming with personality. In fact, today at church was the first time she reached out for me to hold her. It was so cute and it felt really great. I wasn't just some caretaker...she actually missed me!

There isn't much else to report. We're trucking along and anticipating the next big step for our family; homeownership! Soon enough... I'll be sure to update often about that process. Until then, this is Mandy signing off. I'm not sure if I'll have any internet access while in Utah. SO LONG FOR NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Gracie is my great,great niece and I LOVE visiting the blog and seeing her adorable pictures. Makes me feel that Mom, Dad, and Gracie are not so far away from home.
