I have been a little down lately, no real mystery as to why. He has been gone for 2 months now. Though I will probably not mention his absence often, (due to security reasons for our family), I feel it is important to talk about trials and our everyday dealings as both Grace and I miss him terribly.
I have always been in love with my husband. Now that he is worlds away from us, I love him more. I appreciate the things he does for me. He is the only one to truly save me from myself when I have a breakdown. He is the one who adds life and laughter to my otherwise quiet life. He appreciates the things I do on a daily basis for our family. Dishes, laundry, caring for Grace, cooking, cleaning, yadda yadda yadda. Grace hardly says three words clearly so she hardly says "Thanks". He is my favorite person to be with. Simple conversations before settling in for bed... Kisses hello and goodbye... I just miss it all too much. Now I know that distance can make some things harder, but I also know how my love and admiration for him has increased as he has been away. We are able to talk to/see him through Skype most days for a while before he goes to bed. Which is usually so late for him that I feel bad for keeping him up any later. But I know that he needs time with us just as much as we do with him.
I miss my Matty.
As for Grace- she has been a little sick today. Wimpery and lethargic... I think she'll be better tomorrow. She has been on a vegetable strike lately. When she first started eating solids, I couldn't get fruit to stay in her mouth and now it is reversed. But at least I can feed her plenty of fruit to make up for it. She loves apples, bananas, oranges, raisins, and dried cranberries. Then there's her favorite food which is cheese! She eats a string cheese a day and if she sees me slicing some for myself, she is at my feet begging! She is trying to say a few more things lately. (i.e. cookie, milk, dog, car, star) I can catch a few of them, but she gets pretty mad when I don't do it quickly. She turns 18 months tomorrow. She has already started nursery and loves it. The teacher adores her, too.
Myself- I have been working out a lot lately. I joined Jazzercise with my friend Jana and it is getting me into pretty good shape. I have a lot more endurance than I used to and am toning up. I used to work out all the time, but I stopped for a long time after I had Grace. Never again. I was in pretty bad shape when I started up again.
My Scentsy business is still trucking along. I have lots of parties booked and hope it keeps me a little distracted until Matt comes home. Between Grace, the house, my job and Jazzercise...I think that should shave off a few hours a day! :) (By the way, if any of my friends need anything...Feb is 10% off month so just e-mail/call me. It only happens twice a year!)
Matt is hanging in there. He is being worked to the bone and is often completely worn out when I talk to him. He is changing jobs in about a month and we'll have to see how it works out for him. He is safe, and that's my biggest concern right now. We are hoping he can be home for both his and Grace's birthday this year during R & R. We have to be apart for our Anniversary and V-Day for the second year in a row...so if he can come celebrate at least a little, I will be satisfied.