Sunday, August 10, 2008

Birthday Girl!!!

Grace turned one last Wednesday...but we weren't able to celebrate until Friday. She had WAY too much fun with her cake. I have video, but I'm not sure if I can get it to work. I will work on it.

Our family is enjoying Mom Merrill here this week, too. She flew down to celebrate Matt and Grace's birthdays and see our new house. We have been pretty busy. I am finally hosting an open house for Scentsy this week on Tuesday so everyone cross your fingers! I really hope it goes well. It could make or break my business start-up.

Matt is still working extremely hard. He works very late and is hardly ever home. He is still training himself in his job and is doing really well. He got a new calling....Exec Secretary again. I got a calling, too but I haven't been sustained yet. I will fill you in once I am.

Here are some pictures of Grace's birthday party!


  1. Happy Birthday cutie!!
    Good luck with your Scentsy party. I really hope it goes well for you.
    Wes is going to his "Cameron Brooks" job confrence this weekend. It's in North Carolina. We already know that he will be interviewing with 6 companies in the West and one that would have work in Puerto Rico for a few years. The other 8 interviews are all over. I hope he nails the interviews. I will be able to tell you more when the conference ends next Wednesday.
    I'm having a Stampin' Up party an the 19th. Wish you were here for it.
    Miss you tons!

  2. Gracie is such a cutie! It looks like she had a wonderful birthday! Good luck at your Scentsy Party!! I know you will do great! It is great product, and people love you, so you will sell tons and tons of it!!

  3. Wow, I can't believe she is one!
    Sounds like you have been keeping busy since you left good old Aggie Village. Gordon and I are in Spokane, WA now for school. We really liked you guys as our home teachers and we really enjoyed the cookies you left for us right before you guys left :) Good luck with your Scentsy party. Terrific smells :)
